
It's About Time

I just looked at the clock and it spoke.

   "It's eight-twenty-two in the morning and you just wasted another 15 seconds of your life trying to figure out what time it is.  Besides that, your staring at my face only reminds you of how many seconds, minutes, hours, days, weeks, months, and years that you have not used to their fullest potential."

The clock doesn't lie. 

This mechanical device repeats itself over and over for the entire length of its useful life.  We, as human beings, do not.  Our consistency is no where even comparable to the clocks; yet, we are slaves to our habits and repeat them over and over again thus being clocklike in our own way. 

Isn't it amazing how time doesn't stop?  It just disappears.  Time was moving along at its pace the whole time that the Colorado River was eroding the land to form the Grand Canyon.  It kept moving while our ancestors came and went, and it will keep on going long after we are gone. 

Now I have to move along.  I need to find time to do something useful.

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